"The poet only asks to get his head into the heavens. It is the logician who seeks to get the heavens into his head. And it is his head that splits." G.K. Chesterton

Monday, October 12, 2015

What causes the heuristic 'if you're not with us, then you're against us' so persistent? Rumination on some discourse leaden reasons that lead to polarization of political views.

One of the reasons that (general) political view declarations are important, and persist, is because they play a key role in aiding the interpretation of what is being said. Of course what is said, often strongly implies such a declaration, but not always; that's why it becomes useful to declare "what side one is on", even when one wishes to remain neutral (until one's understanding of the issue at hand has matured), unless one is prepared to have their utterances treated with suspicion. This is a more general phenomenon, not only restricted to political views, but I believe that politics makes the phenomenon more pronounced. Much more could be said about this, but here I'll just give an example, which illustrates the idea. I will use an abstract example (to avoid the risk of creating a distraction).

Let the context be one where there is a stark divide in views regarding some issue in it. Now, say there's a proposition 'A' that expresses an attitude regarding that issue in the mentioned context. That is, some would think, and feel very strongly that A, whereas others would think, and feel very strongly that not A.

Person 1: "A"
Undeclared: "Of course"

Person 1: "Not A"
Undeclared: "Of course"

In both cases, it's very likely that Person 1 (or person 2) will inquire "what do you mean?" And why are they doing this? Was the Undeclared's statement not clear enough? It was, but coming from an Undeclared it may be taken as meaning the opposite of what it says, e.g. being a sarcastic remark; the existence of such remarks, being common where political views clash, adds to the ambiguity of the actual intended content of undeclared's statements. The degree of this phenomenon, I suspect, would be a function of the context's scope, i.e. given some context, what is the extent of the Undeclared's lack of declaration.

Needless to say, this leaves those who wish to maintain neutrality (which is more often than not the wise attitude, I believe) in an uncomfortable position of their opinions being either notoriously misunderstood or treated with suspicion, so there exists a pressure to declare oneself politically, even if one is neutral. In a "war of words", which often is the form of political discourse outside of echo chambers, being declared facilitates unpacking the non-explicit, intended content of the actual statements that are made. So enhancing one's clarity is a tempting reward for the mere cost of an instrumental declaration (even when it is inconsistent with one's actual view). Consequently, this mechanism inadvertently facilitates the proliferation and sustainment of extreme views, at the cost of the more balanced ones.

Saturday, August 15, 2015


Bajeczka kórą wymyśliłem lata temu (w 2003!)---wersja tekstowa poniżej nie byłaby możliwa bez udziału i zdolności literackich przyjaciela, Jerzego Rybińskiego, alias 'Stryjaga'.

Pewnego razu, w pewnym miejscu świata,
Brat Duży przybywa do Wielkiego Brata
I prośbę przedstawia chyląc się mu do nóg
By ten w kwestii wzrostu Dużemu dopomógł
- zechciał bratu nadać kilkanaście cali…
by się podzielił…by ciut użyczył
Duży by tego bardzo sobie życzył.
Wielkiemu mimo zdziwienia koncept nagły się jawi,
Tedy tając obawę czy Duży to strawi rzecze:
- „Nie tylko wzrost mój jest wielki przecie…
Z miłości do was, co chcecie zrobię…
Zatem postawcie sobie na głowie
Ten dzban wysmukły…o tam stojący
Lecz uważajcie, aby niechcący nie zbić!”
„Dzięki niemu bowiem…od Dużych większy o łokieć,
z Wielkimi się zrównacie.
- Wniosek z tego drogi bracie,
bez ochyby się znajdziecie
w gronie Wielkich – w Wielkim Świecie.”
Duży Wielkiego dobrocią wzruszony,
z wdzięcznością pyta:
- Co ze swej strony mógłby dla brata czynić w odpłacie?
Wielki odpowie:
„Mój drogi bracie, ja bym zaledwie o drobiazg Cię prosił,
abyś codziennie mi wodę przynosił.”

Friday, June 5, 2015

A valuable lesson.

Mother to child---'If you learn how to tell the time from an analogue clock by the end of the week, you shall be rewarded'. Within a week the child returns, demonstrating mastery in the ability of telling the time from a clock, and reminds the mother about the reward that was promised. 'You have already received your reward'---answeres the mother.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

There are uncountably many binary sequences whose limiting relative frequency is x.

This is a proof of an elementary result in probability theory that I gave, prompted by a colleague's inquiry, and motivated by the fact that the question had initially stumped a University of Queensland professor of the relevant field of mathematics.

There are uncountably many binary sequences whose limiting relative frequency is x. by Mariusz Popieluch on Scribd

Link to PDF of proof.